The Club de Minéralogie de Montréal is proud to present the 4th edition of the Salon des pierres, minéraux et fossiles de Sherrington.

It will stand from September 8th to 10th 2023 in the Centre Communautaire of Sherrington.

You will be able to see 60 tables full of jewels, minerals, fossils, etc. But also enjoy the Festival Automnal of Sherrington which will stand on 9th and 10th next to the mineral show!

entrance and parking are free, no reason not to come to see us and enjoy all marvelous things the nature is offering!

If you want to become a seller at the show, please send us an email to

This one must contain pictures showing samples of the pieces you want to sell.

Plan of the show

Plan (Image version)
Plan (PDF version)


Centre Communautaire de Sherrington 
224 rue des loisirs 
Sherrington, Québec
Google Maps direction